Inside the office of Hoefler & Frere-Jones
A highlight of 2013, this video was part to a presentation of the AIGA 2013 Medal awards for which Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones were awarded.
From H&FJ’s original post:
In addition to offering an intimate look at two recent works-in-progress, and a tour of H&FJ’s offices in a rare moment of repose, this startling exposé reveals for the first time what ongoing dispute provokes the greatest disagreement between H and FJ. (Hint: this sentence contains five of them.)
My color teacher insisted that the higher the crossbar on someone’s written lowercase t, the more confident they were. Is this where the bone of contention lies?
Haha! H&FJ has no shortage of confidence. Crossbars are normally aligned to the x-height. It’s the height of the stem they’re referring to. See here
I was guessing at the conflict in hopes of finding out what it was, but brushing up on my typography language is probably a better idea. 😉 Nice video. I love your work!
Thanks @salisae:disqus !
I should clarify though, I had nothing to do with that great video.