Posters for Migrants
Grafica Della Strada, The Signs Of Italy
Type Rules! 4th Edition
Book Life
Inside the office of Hoefler & Frere-Jones
The Curious Misconception Surrounding Sentence Spacing
Typography Deconstructed Letterpress Poster
Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition
Typographic Train Wrecks
John Rodker’s Ovid Press
A Poster for São Paulo
Detail in Typography by Jost Hochuli
50 Reading Lists for Designers
Hart’s Rules for Compositors and Readers
The WSJ Hedcuts by Randy Glass
Supergraphics from Unit Editions
Nijhof & Lee: Amsterdam’s Best Bookstore
Paul Rand on Typography and Originality
An interview with Theo Rosendorf at Herman Miller’s Lifework Blog
Bookshelf Porn
Unit Editions Makes Books for Designers
Monocle Magazine Picks The Typographic Desk Reference as a Vital Life Improvement
TDR Site Listed at Moluv
TDR Makes abduzeedo Site of the Week
TDR at The TDC in NYC
Type Geek Space Craft
Mississippi Meanders
How to Host an Event
TDR Book Release Party
The Typographic Desk Reference Ships
Preview: The Typographic Desk Reference
Helvetica, The Movie
Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. The film was shot in high-definition on location in the United States, England, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium. It is currently in post-production and is slated to begin screening at film festivals worldwide starting in early 2007.
Use of the ampersand & and
The Double-Space Debate
Typophile Beta
Read Regular
Save the French Imprimerie Nationale heritage