Sachsenwald Blackletter
“This typeface was designed by Bertold Wolpe in Germany in the early 1930s and was originally named Bismarck Schrift. It is one of the finest typographic examples of traditional lettre de forme blackletter, a scribal letter form developed well before the time of Gutenberg and the techniques of casting movable, metal printing types.”
More at Michael & Winifred Bixler where Sachsenwald is available in foundry metal in nine sizes.
James Reyman
It’s a beauty.
Theo Rosendorf
Too bad it’s only available in metal… But maybe that’s a good thing.
Bill Hill
Looks like a pretty straightforward digitization, depending of course on how much variation there is between the different sizes…
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Deron Husak
Theo Rosendorf
Somebody should definitely attempt it. It’s a real good looking face.
Bill Hill
Not many curves 🙂
Theo Rosendorf
I could do it, but there’s a chance it could turn out looking like Comic Sans.