“This book offers students, novice designers and battle-toughened professionals alike an insider’s guide to the complexities of current graphic design practice and thinking. It contains all you need to know to survive and prosper in the complex, ever-shifting world of graphic design…”
Supergraphics just arrive at my desk. Unit Editions has a knack for superlative documentation of creative objects…
Dan Reynolds’ review of the second edition of Adrian Shaughnessy‘s How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul.
“Werner Herzog’s Rogue School. This is how graphic design should be taught” http://bit.ly/9VTzIt (via @AJWShaughnessy)
From Adrian Shaughnessy and Tony Brook comes Unit Editions, a south London publishing company producing books on design and visual culture. I talked with Adrian Shaughnessy to get up to speed with what’s in store at Unit Editions.
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