Type Rules! 4th Edition
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John Pawson’s Visual Inventory
Javier Mariscal’s Advice for Young Designers
The Blue Lady’s New Look
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Detail in Typography by Jost Hochuli
Oslo Bokfestival ID by Robin Snasen Rengård
Colophon’s Aperçu
The Bantjes Covers
Alain de Botton at Herman Miller’s Lifework
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Graphic Design, Referenced
A Musician's Visual Grid
With his new book, Grid Index, German musician and artist Carsten Nicolai claims to have “discovered and unlocked the visual code for visual systems into a systematic equation of grids and patterns.” This is certainly worth a look. It also comes with a CD containing all of the grids presented in the book as editable …
A Musician’s Visual Grid
With his new book, Grid Index, German musician and artist Carsten Nicolai claims to have “discovered and unlocked the visual code for visual systems into a systematic equation of grids and patterns.” This is certainly worth a look. It also comes with a CD containing all of the grids presented in the book as editable …