Grafica Della Strada, The Signs Of Italy
The Castan Font by Carter Wong
Chip Kidd: Designing books is no laughing matter.
Donald Beekman & Albert-Jan Pool — FontCast #15
Dusty Signs, Hand-lettered
Fontanel Jobs, Graphic Design Commercial
Javier Mariscal’s Advice for Young Designers
Brazilian Movie Posters
The Blue Lady’s New Look
My New Favorite Maps
The Rio Olympics Logo: Spec Work?
Monocle Alpino, Anti-iPad Device
Eastern European Matchbox Labels
Jan Tschichold for Penguin Scores, 1949
Moleskine Extra Small Planners
The Number 17 by Matt Stevens
“I was contacted by Matthew Jacobson, who was curating a collection of designs and illustrations that were personal interpretations of the number 17. They are all included in a book that would be delivered as a gift for Emily Oberman and Bonnie Siegler of the design firm Number 17 in New York City.”
May the Font Be With You
Making Grids with Sigurður Ármannsson’s Easy Grid Calculator
Adrian Shaughnessy on his book “Graphic Design: A User’s Manual”
Vintage Food Packaging
Supergraphics from Unit Editions
The Story Behind Angry Paul Rand
“Over three months in the Summer of 2010, in addition to my normal Twitter account @mgoldst, I had a Twitter account by the name of @AngryPaulRand. Like every designer I have ever met, I had some things I had always wanted to say, and using Paul Rand as a foil seemed OK to me—he was dead, after all, and had a reputation as a brilliant but tough personality. It also seemed like a fun thing to do while waiting for Graduate School to start. I created the account, tossed out a few funny, pointed tweets, and two months later I had almost 15,000 followers. 15,000 followers on Twitter put this account in the 99.87% percentile in terms of Twitter infamy….”
Mid-Century Album Covers
Vintage Brazilian Cigarette Labels 2
Nijhof & Lee: Amsterdam’s Best Bookstore
Werner Herzog’s Rogue Film School
Unit Editions Makes Books for Designers
Rob Janoff on the Design of the Apple Logo
The Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies
Graphic Design, Referenced
Slide Projectors & Intuition
David Carson might drive the gridnicks mad, but you can’t deny his ability to provoke a visceral response. Carson’s work in the early 90s tore a hole in graphic design. His typography, piled in broken heaps, managed to breath life into stodgy corporate communications. His work may look haphazard at times, but that doesn’t mean …
Slide Projectors & Intuition
David Carson might drive the gridnicks mad, but you can’t deny his ability to provoke a visceral response. Carson’s work in the early 90s tore a hole in graphic design. His typography, piled in broken heaps, managed to breath life into stodgy corporate communications. His work may look haphazard at times, but that doesn’t mean …
Surprise + Clarity = Delight
Bildschöne Bücher