Type Rules! 4th Edition
The typographic work of Alex Fowkes for Sony Music
Inside the office of Hoefler & Frere-Jones
Chip Kidd: Designing books is no laughing matter.
Donald Beekman & Albert-Jan Pool — FontCast #15
Dusty Signs, Hand-lettered
Javier Mariscal’s Advice for Young Designers
Bodoni’s Manuale Tipografico (1818) is Online
Best Alternative to Helvetica
Spanish/English Augmented Reality Translation App for iPhone
Erik Spiekermann on Deutsche Welle TV
Making Grids with Sigurður Ármannsson’s Easy Grid Calculator
Hand Drawn Type
Mafra Display by Pedro Leal
Colophon’s Aperçu
The Dead Sea Scrolls Hit Google
Nijhof & Lee: Amsterdam’s Best Bookstore
Modern Arabic Type
Rob Janoff on the Design of the Apple Logo
I'm Combining Subscription Lists for my Book (The Typographic Desk Reference) and Type Desk
Recycled Sign Type
Type Geek Space Craft
e-books vs paper, what's your take?
e-books vs paper, what’s your take?
Serif vs. Sans Serif
Serifs or no serifs? What’s your vote? Sans serif type is superior for legibility and should be used whenever possible before using serif type. Visually, serif type is more appealing than sans serif type. Affording more opportunities, it should be used in place of sans serif type whenever possible. Both serif and sans serif type …