5 Thoughts on Brand Expression — Five tactics to help keep things from going off the rails.
Mind the Type — View our essay about the effects of type on reading in typographic styles from the 16th, 19th, and 21st centuries.
Danish Typographic Style — In 2001 I attended the ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) conference in Copenhagen.
Scientists Report Good Typography Improves Mood — I once found myself lost in the Khan el-Khalili bazaar in Cairo.
Graphic Designers Dazzle Clients with words like Whitespace and Kerning — In this golden age of the viewport, typesetting seems an afterthought.
Such Threes and Sixes, Eights and Nines? — Gelett Burgess wrote his mayor a poem about the city’s bad street sign typography. Mayor La Guardia responded in kind.
To Helvetica and Back – 77 Years — Everyone likes a good Helvetica alternative, especially when more than a few clients ask for Helvetica by name.
Responsive Typesetting — An interactive demonstation of responsive typesetting.
Typesetting is Back — The term “typesetting” might sound a little outdated.
IDEO Founder David Kelley on Engagement — Engaging your team.
Illegible Type is Easier to Remember — Disfluency—the subjective experience of difficulty associated with cognitive operations—leads to deeper processing.
Paul Rand on Typography and Originality — ...
Loading Fonts for Low Bandwidth — Webfonts are the foundation of your design, but what happens when they don’t load as expected? Read our tips on designing for fallback fonts.

Glyphic is a brand strategy consultancy serving publishing, LMA (Libraries, Museums, and Archives), and adjacent markets.

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